Looking for meeting space in Balsall Common?
Our Clubhouse is a bright, airy space with changing rooms, a first aid room, a bar serving a wide variety of drinks including lager, cider and IPA on tap, and a small kitchen. The bar has a licence on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
The Clubhouse is most used on Saturdays when many of our teams play. It is available for hire during the week, with good availability during the day on weekdays. It is currently used by local community groups for meetings as well as Yoga and Pilates classes.
We have a good sized car park accessed from Lavender Hall Lane in Balsall Common.
Hornets Team Managers are also able to book out the Clubhouse for social celebrations for their teams, friends and family.
If you’d like to know more about hiring this space please get in touch
Contact: info@balsallhornets.co.uk